July 23, 2009

The Birthday Resolution.

23rd July 2009.
My Birthday.
I turn 23 this day.

And to just pick up the mood, I asked myself a question at 12:30. The answer to which made me CRY on my b`day.

It was simple question . I just asked myself " What have you accomplished in these 23 years?"

I thought hard enough but in vain. I was unable to come up with an answer. It started getting on my nerves. I asked more questions to myself.

" What if I have to die today. Will remembring me later brings spirits of happiness, joy or pride to anyone?" . The asnwer was again no.

" Have I done anything to bring smiles on faces of even 10 people ?" . The answer was again no.

This realisation brought tears to my eyes. I was crying. That doesnt happens a lot. But there were no tears in my eyes. It felt so heavy inside.

It is enough now. I can not go on like this. I have decided to make a difference to this world. even if a small one but I should do something.

And I know most of you percieve me a person with big talk no work.
But dont worry even I see myself that way only.

But that is to be changed now. I will be focusing less on talks and more on work as I dont know how much time is left for me to make my mark.


Unknown said...

don worry man!!
ur time will also cm... n cm very soon :P

Amitoj said...

i should point out here, the only time we think about " OURSELVES" is when we r away from friends and family, and its kinda mandatory to live alone at least once.

but i don't think u shud feel this way, these things r just separated by time bounds !!!!