September 24, 2009

Held in Captivity

I visited a zoo today. I do it often since i love animals.

So i love to go and spend some time there. Trying to find the difference between them and me. Finding the similarities. I find both. They show their natural instincts even in their cages of iron. while we humans are still not our natural self in cages made by ourselves. The cages of envy, hatred, selfishness.

However this post ain't about us. It's about the plight of those animals. The pain and suffering that has become the life for these animals. This time when i visited the same zoo which i have been visiting for over 8 years in row now, The feeling was different. Their faces did not brought cheers to me as they did. Instead i was able to see the pain in their eyes , the gloom on their face. They literally ripped me apart to the soul.

Why do we need these shelters . Why do we make them. Putting them away from their natural habitats into cages. we feel choked working in small cubicles for 10 hours a day though we know afterwards we will be in serenity of our homes. But they have lost all hopes.

The best example with this leopard caught from upper shimla during the beginning of march. I had seen him earlier too. Ferocious , dangerous and full of spirit. He was restless . Couldn't sit in his cage. Attacking bystanders and staff. Showing his anger in any way he could have.He had the spirit and love of wild with him. It was just heart breaking to see him in his present form.
He had lost his spirit , seen his end .Lost interest in his life, like his fellow mates in captivity. He was just there because he was caught and send into this cage. a cage where all his worldly needs were taken care of nicely. After all the only thing animals need is food. they don't have mind or souls to search anything else.

Or do they have mind and soul.

We surely need to be punished for these act of atrocities. If humans believe that god is unfair to them for giving so much misery, they are still not been given what they rightfully deserve.

Hold out your hands and support protests against cage animals. They were born free. They deserve to die like one.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, u r true dear....
like humans they r not intellect.. they jst have a heart to live life freely n king size... but captivity kill their dreams.. lettin their heart to cry...
"hurting someones heart kills the one internally" then the only thing left is to live life as it comes, silently... jst like that leopard.