September 1, 2009

Idiots Guide To Waste Time During Recession

Yes, I am writing it, coz after doing this for over a year now(Successfully) I think I can now even write a guide on it. But this is only for the time of recession and should not be used when you get a job.

To simplify and do less of writing i will try to put only the best ways only(Tries and Tested). And some do really make you gain skills [:0]

So here it goes guys, Hope you Enjoy .

1) Day Dreaming?/ Planning: thought the first word wont be accepted so put the second OPtion along. So guys nothing is better to waste time than plan about your future, Going to the deepest detail. Think what u gonna wear on ur wedding. What will will u gift ur kid on his/ her first birthday. Trust me guys though i try it less, but it is the best technique to waste time.

2) Watch Movies: what else, see the best of movies . see the classics. There are a lot of movie channels now that will provide you with the very best of International cinema. The best of Tales and actors. Plus the advertisment length means that u spend more than 3 hours on each film(Or may be 4-5 if u are watching A classic movie on Pix). nothing better than watching the best to spend the best time.

3) Play Video games: Download the latest version of GTA and keep on going for months all together. You can change the game depending on your taste and type of arcade. Or you can shift to Multiplayer RPGs and spend all your time on front of the box.

4) Start Reading: Well most of us wont like this , but you can read to spend time. Anything from a comic to an Encyclopedia. Read whatever you wish to and whenever you wish to.

5) Start Travelling: Start by visiting your relatives, however far they live or are in relation. This way you save on food and accomodation bills and hastles. then start visiting your friends. This way you get company and a guide too. Travel the most coz it is best done in youth.

6) Watch TV: Now I am talking about TV not movies dude. Watch soap operas, rality TV and all the shit they present nowadays. You can spend a bunch of your time there too.

7) Start a relationship: (Not tried or tested) Get a mate . you will spend a lot of time planning meetings and choosing gifts. But it is not as intresting as the other options.

8) Get Broadband: Be alive on the net. Register on all social networks, make friends, learn new languages, see and write reviews. watch streaming channels fr whatever reason . man you cant even imagine how much you can do.

9) Get a hobby: Music, Dancing, Paintning or whatever you wished to do man, do it. Nobody is stopping you. And you have ample time at your hands . Just Do IT.

And lastly, the thing which most of us will be doing and love to do and even your parents would like you to do.

10) Search for a JOB YOU IDIOT.

11) Write a BLOG

Thanks for reading........[;)]

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