November 29, 2009


Yes... we don't have to wait for our politicians to do anything coz they wont ever ....

Its is the time now to open up our eyes and see the misery and conflict around. It is time to be the change we need to bring in our society.

I know all this has been said in various articles and conferences. But how is the question we all end up on and most generally don't proceed any further.

Here is where i have found a solution for us all. Though quite lame it might just work just because of its simplicity.

We all have a network. A network of people who we talk with , who we inspire and can help make a choice. we can motivate these group of people to change.

Change what ....?????

Their thinking, their habits their attitude towards this country... from " KUCH NAHIN HO SAKTA IS DESH KA" to "WE CAN MAKE IT BETTER".

you want to reduce pollution, make yourself and your friends and family start reducing their energy and water consumption. Help clean your colony.

You want to decrease corruption.. first stop your group to pay and report incident of public corruption.

A single step will lead us and our country into the place we deserve .

So wake up and see and be part of the change.

October 27, 2009

Source of confusion

I found out the source of the confusion that i was suffering from a few months back.

Good news right.

The source is fear and insecurity lying deep within me. I was not able to see it inside my dark skin as it was hidden deep, real deep. I was only able to find them when they came out from their hole, which had become too small to hold them any more.

Like a kid of an viper they have grown large, huge, vicious. Their bites inflict so much pain. I am already blue from the pain.

It is much simpler to handle physical pain, but the pain within is suffocating. hard and humiliating.

Even after finding the source of my pain i am able to do nothing about it. What can i do. The only thing that is practically possible is to remove the fear and insecurity. But alas it is easier said than done. Life ain't a philosophy book. And it is much tougher to understand it errors and repercussions .

And this time i don't want to just reduce the size of this monster but i want to fight it to death. Either mine or his. But this monster wont dare hurt me again.

October 14, 2009


Happy Diwali to All of you.
Indeed i would love to say HAPPY GREEN DIWALI. but i know that you guys will still destroy planet earth on this auspicious day.

So i will just try to remind you gys why we need to go green this diwali.

Diwali celebration brings joy and fun for millions of people around the world. However, the usual way of bursting lots of noisy fire crackers, using excessive packing for gifts as well as electricity for illumination make the festival harmful to human health and environment and wasteful as well.

The fire crackers made of a kind of gun powder create noise in the range of 100-150dBA which is well above the human tolerance of 80-90dBA. Such noise can cause hearing loss, increase in blood pressure and even heart attack. The crackers along other fireworks cause smoke with contains high amount of Sulphur di-oxide, Nitrogen oxides and heavy metals like Lead, Cadmium etc. According Government of NCT, Delhi, the air pollution level in the city manifolds upto 10 times during diwali. Exposure to such smoky air, could lead one to diseases like asthma, anaemia with kidney damage.

The unburnt parts of the fireworks containing harmful chemicals like lead, copper, cadmium, sodium nitrite or potassium nitrate can contamination to water bodies. The wrapping for gift and other items piles up substantial amount of solid waste across the country.

Harmful effects of Chemicals used in crackers
Let's do a little analysis of crackers and list out in actual terms the harmful effects posed by each of its chemicals.

Copper :Irritation of respiratory tract

Cadmium :Anemia and damage to kidney

Lead :Affects the nervous system

Magnesium : Its dust and fumes cause metal fume fever

Sodium :Reacts violently with moisture and can attack the skin.

Zinc :Leads to vomiting

Nitrate : Could lead to mental impairment

Nitrite : Could lead to coma.

Not to mention the fires and burn cases that occur in plenty on this day. Lots of people lose their wealth and some even their lives thanks to the fun you have while burning crackers.

Plus in this time of recession , consider the prices of crackers and the hole they will make in your pockets.

A small 20 pataka laddi will cost you 20 INR . higher end explosives start from rs 100 and go all way to 10000 for great rockets that you will enjoy for what, a 10 15 sec maximum.

Think about this. Also we light our houses with oil lamps, candles and electrical illumination. All of these darken our atmosphere and our pockets. The fumes from oil lamps and candles burnt on this day along with crackers raise the carbon level of the Delhi city 15 times by an estimate. And The Delhi city is not clean on any given day too, so you can imagine the extent of environmental damage we make.

So please people. Think before you go all ga ga over Diwali cracker shop.

At lest try to do the following this Diwali and make a little contribution to protect the environment.

@ Buy and sell fire crackers which are tested not to create noise above 100dBA.
# Use fire crackers in the open field, during the days of Diwali only and within 10 pm.
$ Buy and send gifts with minimum wrapping.
% Collect the residues of fireworks and gift items and discard them to municipal solid waste collection system only.
@ Use earthen diyas or pradeeps or handmade candles to illuminate your home, reduce or do not use electric bulbs.
# Use public transport or pack up your new car with relatives or neighbours to have efficient usage of fuel.
% Be responsive to the inconvenience of your neighbours.
@ Go for community celebration, share the joy and happiness.


A special thanks for these pages:

September 24, 2009

Held in Captivity

I visited a zoo today. I do it often since i love animals.

So i love to go and spend some time there. Trying to find the difference between them and me. Finding the similarities. I find both. They show their natural instincts even in their cages of iron. while we humans are still not our natural self in cages made by ourselves. The cages of envy, hatred, selfishness.

However this post ain't about us. It's about the plight of those animals. The pain and suffering that has become the life for these animals. This time when i visited the same zoo which i have been visiting for over 8 years in row now, The feeling was different. Their faces did not brought cheers to me as they did. Instead i was able to see the pain in their eyes , the gloom on their face. They literally ripped me apart to the soul.

Why do we need these shelters . Why do we make them. Putting them away from their natural habitats into cages. we feel choked working in small cubicles for 10 hours a day though we know afterwards we will be in serenity of our homes. But they have lost all hopes.

The best example with this leopard caught from upper shimla during the beginning of march. I had seen him earlier too. Ferocious , dangerous and full of spirit. He was restless . Couldn't sit in his cage. Attacking bystanders and staff. Showing his anger in any way he could have.He had the spirit and love of wild with him. It was just heart breaking to see him in his present form.
He had lost his spirit , seen his end .Lost interest in his life, like his fellow mates in captivity. He was just there because he was caught and send into this cage. a cage where all his worldly needs were taken care of nicely. After all the only thing animals need is food. they don't have mind or souls to search anything else.

Or do they have mind and soul.

We surely need to be punished for these act of atrocities. If humans believe that god is unfair to them for giving so much misery, they are still not been given what they rightfully deserve.

Hold out your hands and support protests against cage animals. They were born free. They deserve to die like one.

September 15, 2009


I was sleeping to long. Too long to even remeber what i was. But thank god for i am now awake. The confusion that surrounded me and the questions that banged my head , now are silent for I am awake. I was too blinded by the colors around me to see the real color of life in its simpleast form. The recent clash of philosphies in my mindset made it possible for me to reopen my mind and look for new things to grasp on. A change was inevitable.

So what did I found when I woke up. I found out that I was living in an state if illusion, a self generated hypnotic state, which made me belive " This is right , My lord". I forgot that I had no control. No freedom over my thoughts and was trapped in a game of Self Approval.

CONTROL: Do we have control over our lives, our future , oour carrer, our apperance. Hell do we have control on ourselves. Or we just live in hypnososis beliving what we want to belive. I think control signifies power. Power that is so elusive than we tend to gain it anyhow. Even if it means telling ourselves" hey see I am in control of everything, I have the Power". I think i was beliving that. And what a mess i created by doing that.

You might think what may have gone wrong. I tell you. When you think you are in control you start to anticipate. Anticipate the outcomes of things to happen. Anticipate people reactions. Hell you try to anticipate the weather.

Nothing wrong with anticipating. But when it doesnt happens the way you thought , It hurts. Does'nt it. have you never felt the sense of failure, of rejection. It was becuase you were not expecting it. You anticipated something else. A better job, A better place, a better comapnion , a better day. Think about it, would something have changed if you would'nt have anticipated it. Yes atlest your reaction to the situation might have changed.

Thus I found myself in despair anticipating things. From now on I will lose all the sense of CONTROL i had. I will let things come as they wish to.

Dont think it will mean that i will not plan. I will take every opportunity that comes my way, But would never anticipate the result.

The sages were smart to say" Do the work, leave the fruit on him".

FREEDOM: Another of my Illusion. True freedom is impossible in this world. Trust me. You may have Potitical freedom, religious freedom, economic freedom. But still you wont be free from your Expectations, your desires. Nice things they are. Desires, always been potrayed as a motivational tool by modern socities and a sin by older ones. What is the reason for that?

The modern socities are carved upon materilism. acquisition of physical wealth. A buisnessmen cant sell a new item if consumers dont have desire for new. This concept entered so deep into our psycic that now we desire more in every thing. In our food, clothes, home, grades, relationships!!!!!. We are not satisfied. we are slaves of our own desires. we lost our peace to it. we work day and night just to acquire more. Is it correct. After all it is a rat race which will never end. So basically we would never be satisfied. After we acquire one thing we would start to work for next. Wow what a motivational statergy. Now relax. I never want to run. I never race. I walk my own pase. That does troubles alot of people, but in the end I stand to enjoy the beauty of the nature , the colors of god, the smell of rain. While most of the public is running. They have their tasks to do. Their race to run. the race that will never end. A race they'll never win.

So did i had freedom or i too was running in the race. The answer is clear . I was . Now I wont.

THE GAME OF MASKS: I'll begin by quoting some lyrics from song Kaminey .

" Jiska bhi chehra khincha,
andar se aur nikala.
masum sa kabutar
naccha to mor nikala"
It was my my method to play the game. Now first I need to tell you about this game. It's a game we all play. Men or women, large or small, whatever weight category. We all play it.

It's the game of approval. Approval by society, by Family, By freinds, by peers. By averyone. We all want to be in the group ,take verybody along. Be the most desirable person to be in our sphere of contacts. Dont we all do this. We wont tell somebody how we feel on the thing he did, beacuse if i do he may not like me. What if i do this what will happen to my reputation. What wil people think. We all play this game.

And generally a lot of people including me, play it wearing masks. Being what they are not. Some time pretending, Sometimes converting themselves to fit the mask. No doubt how much damage it does to your true self. You only realise it when you start looking for your real face,your True self. And find it lost in the dozens of mask you wore for so long that you dont even remember what was the real you. You feel lucky to realy find it. But if you are not able to and you keep searching for it, you go through the stages i went through. (Read the earlier posts you might get an idea)

I had a discussion on wearing masks some long time ago with someone. And i necitiated the use of masks. I was correct, then. Masks are important if you want to win the game. But she was correct when she said" that you become the mask you wear and forget your true self in a period of time." She sounds a lot correct now to me.

Masks are still important if you need to win the game. But at the cost of your true self , your true identity. I am leaving the game now. You guys go ahead and keep playing. Hope you just reatain your self.

And in the end i would include citations: this movie couldnt have come at a better time.
" Instinct" featurin sir Anthony Hopkins and cuba cudding Jr. Saw the movie for the third time yesterday. But he questions werent there earlier. Go ahead its a must watch. cleared atlest my head of the mist inside. The head is clear as ocean on a sunny day now.

September 12, 2009

Aurora 2009

Aurora 2009. Pta nahin falaq kyon badalte hain har sall ek naya naam sochna padega.

Ok For non uiitins, This is is the review report of my college cultural event. I here will be describing here only the best of the items being performed. Also some minor descrption to the pics which are on other blog down below.

The best of Aurora 2009:

3rd performance : solo semi classical performance by aarti, 3rd yr.

Remember sushil and mukund, you guys were doing a solo with this girl. It didn’t happened then but this time. AAja nachle song from the same movie and same dance steps. The whole song was used!!!!!!! Energy girl....... it’s a lonnngggg track on dance to. The dance was good. An enjoyable performance and certainly raised the level of expectations. UIIT me solo dude. it needs guts to walk on stage alone frgt bt dancing.

Now you can call me biased on the ratings, I don’t mind. She was in my play too.
My Rating: 5

6th performance: Western double by supriya of 2nd yr.

2 girls(cute ones) wearing tight clothes and shorts dancing to best of music with nice expressions and steps. This was a wow for me guys. Especially the dance was good , innovative nice and appeling to eyes. (Hope the girls don’t read this post)
Rating u ask man
My rating: 4

8th performance: love kal aaj aur kal by Eklavya team.
That is drama team of ayash and shubendhu, lots of gags played upon classmates , teachers , this play is about love happened kal mane black and white era, aaj mane mast badmasshi aur kal mane gay crrdng to the play. Shubendhu used the play to attack akshi and makhi(akshay). Those sections generated a lot of hooting by their batch. The songs were used brilliantly.
My rating: 4 ½ aadha number extra for full on besharmi end me total 5.

10th performance: Vandana by 1st yr
The Dean of studies, itne burre haal ho gaye hain uiit ke, finally arrived and after lighting candles the vandana happened. At no 10 on the list but grt what so ever. 9 girls on ya kunde tushar har. The song was nicely composed and choreographed. Awesome performance. The list of 5 stars begin.

Ab tak ki best vandana boss trust me on this one.
My rating: batana jaroori hai 5

11th performance: Western dance by 3rd yr ankit chambyal, Deepak, sarthak etc etc.
Nice dance new songs all of them . nice cherography. Nice waves and man I don’t know the terms but it was grt. Awesome amazing fantablous. I wished to go on stage. The whole audi was dancing or shouting nonetheless. Great performance.
My rating: 5 guys , has to be

12 performance: classical by Ipsita
Along with her cousin she performed , on mere dholna, jiya jale, tum tana na. nice again I am blind when it comes to classical. But this time they were able to get attention to the full. Both were looking pretty and good dance.

My rating: 5
14th performance: Hip Hop by Raj and group
The same boy who made me remember mukund last time but this time he even bypassed mukund. He was too gooodddd. Sorry mukund but you must have seen this dance man. We guys could not have done it. Try to rember anything from step up . it was there. Full splits, body waves. Body rolls, body turns. Man. It was out of world. This item would even win 1st prize hands down in any fest.

My rating: that is 5++++

15th Performance: Natti
Well guess what shubendu was in it and he son of a joker, isme bhi khap pa gya. There is some natty “ whisky pini” and full on talli ho ke natty. That was a bit difrrent from the older ones and even allealed to me, during the funny part.
My rating: it was natty 4

16th performance: Bhangra by first yr
Expectations were really high after all those 5+ performances. But alas. Tarun bhangra still the best. Though they did come up with a brilliant one . one sole dancer do bande uthaye hue , ek khande pe aur ek pet pe. Awesome.

My rating: 5

Now description to picture gallery

1st pic:Our lecture hall for most time in UIIT this is LT2 guys.

2nd pic:Enterance to the wing.

3rd pic: Our favourite spot, isme bhi change ho gya.

4th Pic: Natti

5th pic: Classical by Ipsita

6th Pic:Item 3 by first yr girls aint on this list as it was bad.

7th Pic: saraswati Vandana

8th Pic:performance no 11 by ankit and group.

And sorry for the clarity you guys.

Aurora 2009 Photo gallery

September 5, 2009

Happy Teachers day


This day I want to remember my teachers. Certainly I cant remember them all. There were so many. But some teachers give you memories, good or bad and only those memories are what you remember .

First my apologies to those that didn't made it here. coz i know I have a very poor memory and I have forgotten the kind words you told me , the inspirations you gave to me . It is beacuse of you people only i have been able to become . Now you guys don't need to be guilty for that. Somethings just have to happen.

So here i begin:

1) Dulta mam: Couldn't remember anyone before you. You sweet words still give me courage to just keep on banging my head to break the walls that lay ahead.

2) Veena mam: You thought more than Sanskrit. you thought what life is.

3) Mridul Mam: dont know maybe i just remember the potatoes mam, but hey you thought us pretty well.

4) meena mam: I don't remember any other teacher punishing me so much . But still love you mam. After all u never punished me for no reason. I hated doing homeworks.

5) kaundal mam: Man, no body gave me nightmares but you. I feared you so much. everybody does. But i still remember crying on your retirement.

6) Tiwari Mam: just miss your classes.

7) Rawat Sir: well people just learn maths from him but i learnt how to fight life.

8) Ahluwalia Sir: dont remember anyone else teaching so much about life than this giant of an teacher. maybe beacuse he was there so long, that i grew just habitual of his lectures.

9) Vinit sir: man, cant forgetyour will to teach no matter what.It was more important for you to make us learn that just take classes.

10) Kumud mam: A sweetheart. our backs fall itself to touch her feet evertime i meet her. an angel, had the best way to teach science to kids.

11) Pandey Mam: the sweet smell of paan masala and the clearest hindi accent ever. No doubt she had scales to beat us if we spelled wrong. But was seldom seen being used.

And a lot more were there, that thought us all. For them all I can say is "Thank You".

September 1, 2009

Idiots Guide To Waste Time During Recession

Yes, I am writing it, coz after doing this for over a year now(Successfully) I think I can now even write a guide on it. But this is only for the time of recession and should not be used when you get a job.

To simplify and do less of writing i will try to put only the best ways only(Tries and Tested). And some do really make you gain skills [:0]

So here it goes guys, Hope you Enjoy .

1) Day Dreaming?/ Planning: thought the first word wont be accepted so put the second OPtion along. So guys nothing is better to waste time than plan about your future, Going to the deepest detail. Think what u gonna wear on ur wedding. What will will u gift ur kid on his/ her first birthday. Trust me guys though i try it less, but it is the best technique to waste time.

2) Watch Movies: what else, see the best of movies . see the classics. There are a lot of movie channels now that will provide you with the very best of International cinema. The best of Tales and actors. Plus the advertisment length means that u spend more than 3 hours on each film(Or may be 4-5 if u are watching A classic movie on Pix). nothing better than watching the best to spend the best time.

3) Play Video games: Download the latest version of GTA and keep on going for months all together. You can change the game depending on your taste and type of arcade. Or you can shift to Multiplayer RPGs and spend all your time on front of the box.

4) Start Reading: Well most of us wont like this , but you can read to spend time. Anything from a comic to an Encyclopedia. Read whatever you wish to and whenever you wish to.

5) Start Travelling: Start by visiting your relatives, however far they live or are in relation. This way you save on food and accomodation bills and hastles. then start visiting your friends. This way you get company and a guide too. Travel the most coz it is best done in youth.

6) Watch TV: Now I am talking about TV not movies dude. Watch soap operas, rality TV and all the shit they present nowadays. You can spend a bunch of your time there too.

7) Start a relationship: (Not tried or tested) Get a mate . you will spend a lot of time planning meetings and choosing gifts. But it is not as intresting as the other options.

8) Get Broadband: Be alive on the net. Register on all social networks, make friends, learn new languages, see and write reviews. watch streaming channels fr whatever reason . man you cant even imagine how much you can do.

9) Get a hobby: Music, Dancing, Paintning or whatever you wished to do man, do it. Nobody is stopping you. And you have ample time at your hands . Just Do IT.

And lastly, the thing which most of us will be doing and love to do and even your parents would like you to do.

10) Search for a JOB YOU IDIOT.

11) Write a BLOG

Thanks for reading........[;)]

August 18, 2009

Thoda Hai Thode Ki Zarurat Hai

Thoda Hai Thode Ki Zarurat Hai
Zindagi Kitni Yahan Khubsurat Hai

True life is like that only. God provides you with stuff so that you can survive, and gives you hopes and wants so that you aim for them and proceed ahead in your life.
But what if you dont have any needs . You are satisfied and happy being what you are. What if you have no materialistic aims in your life.
All you do is to find momentary happiness, with friends , family and the things you love. None of these in trueness of their meaning require money. So why do we strive for more??????

I need answers people. I dont write to vomit out things but to discuss. To have conversations about these things.
Please help me clear my mind about these topics.

July 25, 2009

The purpose of life.

HI again,

I recieved comments on last posts from some friends and the were of various sorts . Nemi I wasnt thinking about myself just because I was alone but the thought was deep , and not just a reaction of lonliness.

also i also got another beutiful comment which i will quote here too.: "The feverishness if Fame, Pride, Of social recognition is Immaturity. Just wake up and see there is nothing much in it. It is just an empty bowl."

Very true in spirutual path of life fame and social recognition means nothing. they are just stigmas of material world. If this is true then what must we prespire for.????

Most of living beings, not just humans but also animals spend their life making their position in their herd. Trying to improve their status , their Social position. It is what thrives a social group. 

If one does not think of his peers then he may turn evil as he might lose his conscience.

Coming to main point . What must be the purpose of life if not fame. But who said i want to be famous. I want to die leaving smiles on faces. That doesnt mean i need fame, nor does it means i will get Social regognition in my life time. 

All i want is to do something worthy to make this world a better place . That will be my destiny.


All i need now is to find my true goal , My real Aim. You see we are are sent for a purpose. To make a change in our own way to the cycle of life. I i do belive mine is not just of an normal ingredient . I do belive I am an important catalyst sent to make a change, whatever the size be.

Thanks for listning

July 23, 2009

The Birthday Resolution.

23rd July 2009.
My Birthday.
I turn 23 this day.

And to just pick up the mood, I asked myself a question at 12:30. The answer to which made me CRY on my b`day.

It was simple question . I just asked myself " What have you accomplished in these 23 years?"

I thought hard enough but in vain. I was unable to come up with an answer. It started getting on my nerves. I asked more questions to myself.

" What if I have to die today. Will remembring me later brings spirits of happiness, joy or pride to anyone?" . The asnwer was again no.

" Have I done anything to bring smiles on faces of even 10 people ?" . The answer was again no.

This realisation brought tears to my eyes. I was crying. That doesnt happens a lot. But there were no tears in my eyes. It felt so heavy inside.

It is enough now. I can not go on like this. I have decided to make a difference to this world. even if a small one but I should do something.

And I know most of you percieve me a person with big talk no work.
But dont worry even I see myself that way only.

But that is to be changed now. I will be focusing less on talks and more on work as I dont know how much time is left for me to make my mark.

July 18, 2009

Ab Humidity


ab main karoon kya. garmi khatam barsaat hui .
par usse halat aur zyada khrab hui.

Pasina ab badan se hatta nahin
bheegi kamiz mujh ko jachti nahin.

sanns lena bhi dubhar hua
jivan mera dushkar hua.

sochta hun shimla swarg tha
barish me main bhegta mad mast tha.

ab yahi jeevanhai ki aas
miit jaye jeevan me pyar ki pyass .

(First stupid attempt at poetry. Pardon me guys)

July 8, 2009

Heat is Killing Me

Hi ,

People I was born in Shimla, in luxury of mountains in a cool enviorn(Thats why I am so cool).

However i did not knew how hard it gets to face the sun when it is scorching at 50 degrees.

My days are tiring. I have never felt so sleepy before. and during nights a dont get sleep. it is so disgusting and frustating.

Help me guys . help me cope with it. Send in your ideas to help me out.

June 27, 2009

Influence of Stories

Do they have the power to influence us.

Just a set of ideas woven perfectly around some intresting events. Do they have the power to influence us, Humans. God of everything on earth.

Well yes after all even God can be said to be just a story. Quite a athestic statement but quite true. We know stories have been woven around gods to bring out the principals and morals of the age to young children and even to grown ups.

Now you may be thinking that am I reading story books again to write about them.

No, I have been mesmerised by the new way of story telling. Comics , Cartoons etc. Especially talking about the manga style.

Just great they are guys, nice stories filled up with lot of sagely wisdom with full tadka of entertaintment.

And here we are , Indians where libraries are filled with stories to be told. But look at our cinema, TV , Animation and comics. Total disaster when it comes to the plots.

What has happened here is a thing that should be corrected. We need to tell the children about those stories somehow . That might help them stay connected to their home land. Else they are living in noida and thinking of nevada.

what say u guys???

June 26, 2009

After A Long time I Think

Funny the title isn't it, but its true. I had stopped thinking.

Indeed I had stopped living will be correct. Losing sense of belonging , your future , your ideas and your life ; that is not called living.
Why did that happened ?? Truely I dont know. i was lost somewhere else i think.

Now when i come to my senses i find myself in an very awkward situation. Physically seperated from family and friends i have the chance to lighten up my self, burn in my own sorrows and dreams and come out a stronger human, Not one made fron ice but from titanium with strong will and determination.

But is it possible or would i just act like i always do. Spending my time trying to spend it rather than make any good use of it.

I think this is the time i need to be carefull for the first time in my life. If i mess now, maybe i wont get a second chance to change anything.

thats all i wanted to share.

Feel a lot lighter

March 2, 2009

Time with friends

We generally understand the importance of our freinds and collegues . We almost always take them for granted. What we dont understand that how dull , boring and  monotonus our life becomes without them.Forget about the help and care they provide . We should just thank for the great times they spend with us

February 2, 2009

Dangerous Vacations

Yes i am talking about vacations. Vacations that a lot of my collegues and batchmates are having for say last 6 months or so. NO we guys ain't on holdays or retired or fired, but we are those poor young graduates from various disciplines who feel being cheated by their organisations who have given them dreams of a better future but have now placed them on hold.

sounds funny , ya it is waiting for your joining date for 6 months is funny and stupid but we are doing it aint't we.

these vacations have been cruel to us. we dont know what to do. start a new course , look for jobs somewhere else. but where. the whole market has closed its shutters.

i am getting senti know so will finish it later.